Improve student learning
Industrial training and tour for UG/PG students
Remedial classes for weaker group of UG students
Research Assistantships
Expense on testing/ Characterization of samples of R&D project undertaken by students/ Research assistantship to full time doctoral students registered in the institutions in engineering as per AICTE or UGC norms including contingency charges that do not get scholarship through any other scheme of GoI
Graduates employability
In house and off campus training for UG and PG students to improve soft skills (to improve employability)
Faculty/Staff Development and motivation
Funding patent applications for faculties
Attending Pedagogical training
Organizing national and international conference, seminar, symposium etc. on R&D topics or themes
Research and development
To attend national/international conference, seminar, symposium within India for PG and Research Scholars
Organizing subject area training programmes
Mentoring/Twinning system
Twinning arrangements with institutions under sub-component 1.1 to build capacity and improved performance (exchange of faculty, officers and technical staffs)
Individuals institutional mentors
Industry-Institute Interaction
Travel costs hospitality and honorarium to industry personnel for delivering expert lectures